Oscar Pace Runciman

Since I am due in 3 months time I have been thinking about what this labour will be like compared to Oscars birth.
As with all first time mums I had no idea what to expect when it came to labour. In all honesty I didn't really worry myself too much thinking about it. One thing I was convinced about was that I was going to be waiting well past his due date.
I remember having a midwife appointment the day before his due date. I was booked in for a sweep the following week, she told me that it was definitely going to be a bit of a wait. That night the last thing me and Gregor talked about was how we thought it could be another two weeks before we would get to meet our boy.
The next morning I had been up quite early with tiny pains. I didn't think much of it but started timing them and they were around 4 mins apart. I waited for Gregor to get up and told him (think this must of been around 6.30am), we decided to phone the maternity unit who advised it was probably slow labour and might die off. They suggested paracetamol and a bath.
By about 9am the pains were a lot stronger but still not close enough to go in to the hospital. 9.20am my waters broke.
10.20am we arrived at the hospital after getting thumbs up from the midwifes to come in once I told them contractions were 2 mins apart...I think they were still slightly over that but I wanted to go in. Luckily there was a birthing pool ready as when the midwife checked on me I was already 10cm and got straight in.
I had gas and air and the birth went very quickly, Oscar arrived at 11.50am weighing 7lbs 5oz on his due date.
If this baby could arrive in the same way that would be brilliant.